In our 40th anniversary year, Oral History Queensland and Oral History Australia, in partnership with State Library Queensland and Queensland Memory, welcome proposals for our 2019 biennial conference in sun-soaked southern Queensland. Oral historians, in a variety of guises and combining age-old listening skills with dazzling new technologies, record intimate stories and create challenging histories. Our conference welcomes participants who use oral history in their work across the many fields and disciplines that contribute to community, professional and academic histories. We welcome presenters from across Australia, across the Tasman and around the world. We invite proposals for individual presentations, workshops, performances and thematic panels.
The main conference at State Library Queensland will be on Friday 11th and Saturday 12th October 2019. Oral history training workshops will be held at a Brisbane venue on Thursday 10th October. Following the conference, on Sunday 13th October a selection of history walks and tours will introduce participants to the region’s rich and diverse communities of memory.
In keeping with 2019 as the Year of Indigenous Languages, a Keynote plenary panel will focus on Oral History, Oral Tradition and Indigenous History (with invited speakers from Australia, New Zealand and Canada).
Further details at
Alistair Thomson