CALL FOR PAPERS The eighth international symposium of the Finnish Oral History Network (FOHN) AFTER: Time, Place & (Dis)Connections in Oral History & Life Storying December 1–2, 2022, Helsinki, Finland
by Susanna Jurvanen
The eighth international symposium of the Finnish Oral History Network (FOHN)
AFTER: Time, Place & (Dis)Connections in Oral History & Life Storying
December 1–2, 2022, Helsinki, Finland
Oral historians and life story researchers are engaged through their work in projects of afterwardness. Whether we study devastating societal crises, life-changing events, or ordinary everyday practices, we address them from the perspective of hindsight. As oral history and life story research has connected experiences across times and places, it has likewise made evident multiple ruptures in how different voices and perspectives are centered. In this conference, we invite researchers and practitioners to analyze the (dis)connections in time and place caused by this afterwardness and its role in the research process: What happens after research collaboration? How are bodily experiences, senses, and emotions carried beyond the moment(s) of research encounter? What are the possibilities of collaboration beyond the traditional boundaries and practices of academia? What is the role of research in the aftermath of crises? Can oral history and life storying offer opportunities to imagine new futures?
The eighth international symposium of the Finnish Oral History Network (FOHN) will focus on the notions of afterwardness, time, place, and (dis)connections in oral history and life story research from critical contemporary perspectives. The keynote speakers are Stacey Zembrzycki (Dawson College), Andrew Irving (University of Manchester), and Essi Jouhki (University of Jyväskylä).
We invite contributions focusing on methodological and ethical questions, as well as on case studies. Proposals may be submitted for individual papers or panels and they can address but are not limited to the following themes and issues:
●Engagements in reciprocity. How can researchers contribute to reciprocity without face-to-face cooperation with the research participants?
●(Dis)connections between academic oral history/life storying and Indigenous knowledges and methodologies; decentering white and colonial methods and voices
●Attending to feelings (bodily and emotional) during and after the research encounter. How do we verbalize the non-verbal?
●(Dis)connections in time and place: opportunities and limitations of online participation
●Theorizing afterwardness: intergenerational memories and postmemory
Submissions of individual papers require a title and a maximum of 250-word abstract. Panel proposals should include a maximum of 250-word description of the panel and max 250-word abstracts of each individual papers (max 5 papers per panel). The conference language will be English.
Please e-mail your proposal The deadline for submissions is 31 May 2022.
Presenters will not be required to pay a registration fee to participate in the symposium.
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