NZ Oral History Awards

Subject: Ngā Kōrero Tuku Iho: Manatū Taonga Oral History Awards – change to retrospective interviews condition for 2020 only

Kia ora e hoa ma, I hope you are all very well. As most of you will know, the deadline for Ngā Korero Tuku Iho Manatū Taonga Oral History Awards was delayed this year from 30 April to 15 October due to the Covid-19 pandemic lockdown. Because of this, some applicants have expressed concern that they will not capture oral histories of older people in time if they do not do these interviews before October.

Generally, the award does not fund retrospectively, as set out in the term and conditions . However, given the extraordinary circumstances we are experiencing, you may find yourself interviewing a person for a project for which you are applying for funding in October. If that interview or set of interviews was completed between June and October 2020, and you are successful in receiving an award, the award funding can cover the costs of those interviews retrospectively.

Please note, this is not a guarantee that you will be funded – the same panel process will be undertaken as in any other year, but the panel members will be made aware that the retrospective interview rule does not apply for the June – October 2020 period for this round only.

Please let me know if you have any questions, and feel free to share this widely with your networks.

Kia pai ōu ora e hoa ma, Emma.

Dr Emma Jean Kelly | Pou Hītori (Ataata-Rongo)  Audio Visual Historian

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