Call for papers ..here..
Conference 15-17 November 2024
We are delighted to announce the next Nohanz conference will take place at the Parnell Hotel and Conference Centre in Tāmaki Makaurau Auckland from 15-17 November 2024!
Image: Immigration re-entry registration certificate for Lily Khouri, aged 44 and her 3 children, 1910 by Edward William Sorrell. Ref: fMS-Papers-11659 Alexander Turnbull Library
A successful 2022 Conference has concluded
Conference 18-20 November 2022
This is now archival: ..Conference Programme.. and ..Poster..
Stout Centre Conference Page: ,,here..
Registration Page ..here.. see below
The link is https://pay.wgtn.ac.nz/Registration/booking .If it fails click ‘Continue’ or ‘Continue shopping’, then select the conference.
Further Information:
New Zealand Oral History Conference
Stout Research Centre for New Zealand Studies and the
National Oral History Association of New Zealand (NOHANZ)
Te Kete Kōrero-a-Waha o Te Motu
Te Herenga Waka | Victoria University of Wellington
18 – 20 November 2022
Te Reo a Ngā Taputapu
Memory, Oral History and Material Culture
From taonga tūturu to inherited family possessions material culture plays a fundamental role in symbolizing our expressions of identity and transmitting memory across generations. The term material culture here is taken to include any objects made or modified by a human, from the smallest item of jewellery to large monuments or buildings, and the ways in which these objects are understood and/or given symbolic or other meanings in oral histories. In this conference we hope to explore two major themes. The first concerns the different roles that objects play in the oral histories of iwi, hapu, whānau, or national, family or individual oral history narratives; and the second focuses upon oral histories and material culture in the context of institutions, such as galleries, libraries, archives, and museums (sometimes referred to as the GLAM sector). We therefore invite papers that describe and discuss the significance and meaning of objects expressed through oral histories recorded in a wide range of cultural or social contexts. Secondly, we hope the conference will also explore the ways in which oral histories are used in museum or gallery exhibitions constructed around material objects. For example, papers might address any of the following questions or topics:
- What roles do inherited family objects play in contemporary life narratives/identities?
- How are photographic records of the past interpreted in oral histories?
- Can inherited objects generate counterfactual family histories?
- Are there gender differences in terms of objects and remembering the past?
- Do culturally significant objects have agency, in terms of collective cultural practices?
- Can the symbolic meaning of an object change over time?
- The relationship between oral history and objects in galleries, libraries, archives and museums.
- What can oral histories about objects contribute to the new history curriculum?
- The conference will also include presentations, not necessarily connected to the conference theme, on recent oral history projects.
From taonga tūturu to inherited family possessions material culture plays a fundamental role in symbolizing our expressions of identity and transmitting memory across generations. The term material culture here is taken to include any objects made or modified by a human, from the smallest item of jewellery to large monuments or buildings, and the ways in which these objects are understood and/or given symbolic or other meanings. In this conference we hope to explore two major themes. The first concerns the different roles that objects play in the oral histories of iwi, hapu, whanau, and national, family or individual oral history narratives; and the second focuses upon oral histories and material culture in the context of institutions, such as galleries, libraries, archives, and museums (sometimes referred to as the GLAM sector).
We therefore invite papers that describe and discuss the significance and meaning of objects expressed through oral histories recorded in a wide range of cultural or social contexts. Secondly, we hope the conference will also explore the ways in which oral histories are used in museum or gallery exhibitions constructed around material objects. For example, papers might address any of the following questions or topics:
- What roles do inherited family objects play in contemporary life narratives/identities?
- How are photographic records of the past interpreted in oral histories?
- Can inherited objects generate counterfactual family histories?
- Are there gender differences in terms of objects and remembering the past?
- Do culturally significant objects have agency, in terms of collective cultural practices?
- Can the symbolic meaning of an object change over time?
- The relationship between oral history and objects in galleries, libraries, archives and museums.
The conference will also include presentations, not necessarily connected to the conference theme, on recent oral history projects.
You will be notified by mid-August whether your paper has been accepted. Please note: presenters must register for the conference, and your abstract will be used for the conference programme.
You will have been notified by mid-August whether your paper had been accepted. Please note: presenters must register for the conference, and your abstract will be used for the conference programme.
Download a copy of the Programme (PDF) ..here..
- Friday 18 November
Workshops and/or guided walk.
Opening Lecture 5.00pm at the National Library Auditorium, Molesworth Street, Wellington.
Followed by a welcome function. - Saturday 19 November
Registration opens at 8.15am, Alan MacDiarmid Foyer (AM101), Kelburn Campus.
Full day conference presentations. Followed by NOHANZ Annual General Meeting. - Sunday 20 November
Full day conference presentations.
If you are a member of the National Oral History Association or the Stout Research Centre the conference enrolment fee is reduced to reflect your membership. Membership for the National Oral History Association of NZ or the Stout Research Centre = $50.00
If you wish to become a Member of NOHANZ, please go to: https://www.oralhistory.org.nz/index.php/membership/
If you wish to become a Friend of the Stout please go to: https://pay.victoria.ac.nz/STOUT/menu
The online registration link will be available on this website from 1 September 2022.
Early Bird rate closes on 30 October.
Early Bird Member $200.00
Early Bird Non Member $250.00
Early Bird Unwaged Member $150.00
Early Bird Unwaged Non Member $200.00
Full rate Member $250.00
Full rate Non Member $300.00
Full rate Unwaged Member $200.00
Full rate Unwaged Non Member $250.00
Flat rate for Single Day $140.00
NOHANZ/Stout Conference ..here..
You are welcome to attend the BGM which will coincide with Conference. Read the welcome and agenda
This year the theme of our conference focuses on the sweet sound of the voice, the singers of tales (te waha kairongorongo), storytellers, and the resonance of the voice through time and space. How is oral history transient through time and space? How do the voices of our participants travel through, or resonate in, time and space as a vehicle for memory? What significance do we find in the spaces we use to access, listen to, co-create, and present voices that give meaning and memory to the past? How is the notion of “time” apparent in the transmission of memory across generations of voices?
The call for papers closed 10 August 2018 Call for Papers
27-29 NOVEMBER 2018
Registrations now open: Apply here ..
Please return completed registration forms and payment details to:
By Email (preferred if possible):
By Post:
NOHANZ Conference 2018 Registrations
PO Box 3819
Wellington, 6140
University student hostel https://www.ivvy.com.au/event/O6ECMT/
Other accommodation https://www.hamiltonwaikato.com/accommodation//
Funding support Jack Ilott Fund https://natlib.govt.nz/about-us/scholarships-and-awards/jack-ilott-fund)
NOHANZ biennial conference Tell me more : Sharing our Stories
Just Finished!!. Read the Programme.
NOHANZ Biennial General Meeting was held 21 October 2016, followed by guest speaker Anna Cottrell’s short film Voices of Children, in which Christchurch children tell stories of the Big Quake
BGM Election results
President: Nepia Mahuika
Secretary: Sue Monk
Treasurer: Debbie Dunsford
Past-president: Ann Packer
Committee members: Belinda De Mayo, Sue Gee, Lynette Shum
Co-opted committee members: Marina Fontein, Ruth Low
Biennial General Meeting Agenda
Executive Roles
The Jack Ilott Oral History Education Fund may be able to help you attend Conference
More detail including rates and 2014 Meeting Minutes on our Conference Page
NOHANZ biennial conference Tell me more : Sharing our Stories
Our rates:
Member Earlybird $170
Member Full rate $220
Unwaged member Earlybird $100
Unwaged member full rate $150
One-day member rate $120
Non-members Earlybird $220
Non-members Full rate $270
One day non-member rate $150
Friday seminars (additional) $55
Conference dinner $45
NOHANZ Conference 2014 The Gift of Memory
Notice of Biennial General Meeting 2014
NOHANZ members are warmly invited to the 2014 NOHANZ Biennial General Meeting to be held at:
CQ Hotel 213 – 223 Cuba Street Wellington.
5.30 – 8.00 pm Friday, 19 September 2014
The General Meeting coincides with the NOHANZ Conference on 20, 21 September 2014
Committee and BGM papers
Committee Nomination as docx
Committee Nomination Form as pdf
Proposed subscription change as docx and pdf
Representative Voting Form as docx
Representative Voting Form as pdf
NOHANZ Conference and Biennial General Meeting
See the pdf for full schedule
Gift of Memory: Programme
Biennial General Meeting:
Friday 19 September 2014
CQ Hotel, Cuba Street, Wellington
Biennial General Meeting with Guest Speaker, Judith Fyfe Friday 19 September 2014, 5.30 drinks and nibbles, 6pm start, CQ Hotel, Cuba Street Wellington.
Members are warmly invited to the Association’s general meeting to hear about NOHANZ activities and plans, and elect the next Executive.
Conference: Saturday & Sunday 20 & 21 September 2014
CQ Hotel, Cuba Street Wellington.
Details and registration form here.
Itinerary below.
Please help us publicise the conference by sharing our Flyer via email and/or noticeboard:
See the Flyer here
Workshops Friday 19 September 2014
National Library, Aitken Street, Wellington
Workshop Programme as docx
Workshop Programme as pdf
The workshops are now fully subscribed but you can put your name on a waiting list by emailing nohanzconf2014@gmail.com
Friday 19 September 2014
NOHANZ General Meeting
CQ Hotel, Cuba Street Wellington.
Guest speaker: Judith Fyfe, on “Silence”
Registrations open 8.15 am
Conference – Day One
Special plenary presentation and discussion
“Recording agreements, ethics and copyright”
Conference closes 5:00 pm
Conference – Day Two
Conference Keynote Address: Dr Nēpia Mahuika
Earlybird registration discount available until 4th July 2014.
Memory is a powerful gift, crucial to our capacity to connect past and present and learn for the future. How does memory work? In what ways do individual and collective memories relate and interact?
When people share their recollections and perspectives in oral histories, the personal becomes public. What motivates interviewees to participate? What are their expectations and who are they giving to? How private is memory? How well do oral historians respect the ‘gifts’ they record? What about unknown future audiences?
Papers Session 1:Reciprocity and Sharing – Oral History in Health
Maria Baker, Tio Sewell and Tish Siaosi:
“Tuia Te Ao Marama- Oral History of Māori Mental Health Nurses”
Debbie Dunsford and Kate Prebble:
“I’ve loved what I’ve done’: Nurses share their stories”
Irene Rogers “Ghosts in the archives: exploring the challenge of reusing memories”
Papers Session 2:Sharing – After the Interview
Sara Donaghey, Sue Berman, and Nina Seja:
“Creating in collaboration: reflections on a World War One recording project”;
Marina Fontein: “Lebanese in Wellington”;
Katrina Hodgson: “The challenges of Oral History and Native Title”;
Evelyn Whitelaw: “Reciprocity, Accessibility and Indigenous Oral History Archives”
Papers Session 3:Reciprocity and Sharing
Nourah M Altwuaijry: “The Experience of Memory-Based History Documentation at the Oral History Center, King Abdulaziz Foundation for Research and Archives”;
Jacqui Foley: “‘Taking care of the Gifts’- Reflecting on a career in oral history”;
Janet Toland and Jim Whitman: “Pioneers of Computing in New Zealand”
Papers Session 4:Reciprocity -Transgenerational Research
Sara Donaghey: “Reciprocity: offering an alternative dimension for sharing authority”;
Isobelle Barrett Meyering:”Oralhistory as inter-generational dialogue: the case for reciprocity in feminist history”;
Papers Session 5:Understanding Memory – Remembering and Forgetting
Loreen Brehaut: Picton “Freezing Works OH Project”;
Lizzie Catherall: “The Gift of Memory is an awful curse”;
Michael Dudding: “Contradicting the Testimony – gospel truths and memory recall in oral history research”;
Cheryl Ware: “Illness and life narratives:
Investigating the significance of the changing social experiences of HIV-positive homosexual men in Sydney between 1982 and 1997”
Papers Session 6:Understanding Memory -Trauma
Andrea Hepworth: “The Argentinean Franco court case as a lieu de mémoire for displaced Spanish Republican memory?”;
Bernard Jervis: “What cannot be talked about, cannot be put to rest”;
Ben Morris: “Veterans’ memories, a gifted wound”
Papers Session 7:Reciprocity and Sharing – Community and Place
Rebecca Amundsen: “Discovering Glengarry’s Community Spirit”;
Sue Berman: “The Dominion Road Stories”;
Carol Dawber:”Golden Bay River Rats: Commercial Fishing in Golden Bay”
In the digital age, oral history access and publishing options are burgeoning. What are the options, their benefits and
The biennial Nohanz conference, ‘Oral History in the 21st Century: Voices of Identity in a Globalised World’, was held in Rotorua between 2 and 3 April 2011. Keynote speakers were Lorina Barker, Associate Lecturer from the School of Humanities at the University of New England in New South Wales, and Teresia Teaiwa, Senior Lecturer Pacific Studies, Va’aomanu Pasifika, Victoria University of Wellington.
The proceedings also included a retrospective on the work of noted Rotorua historian, the late Don Stafford, presented by Kerry Fowler.
Nohanz Conference 2009
The 2009 Nohanz conference ‘Using Oral History in Communities’ was held in Wellington on Saturday 31 October and Sunday 1 November 2009. Keynote speakers were Gaylene Preston, oral historian and film maker, Pip Desmond, oral historian and writer, and Jack Perkins, oral historian and broadcaster.
For more information see the December 09 Newsletter here
On the Christchurch City Library website there is a conference report from Marion, a participant, and comments www.cclblog.wordpress.com/2009/11/04/community-voices/