The XX International Oral History Association Conference
University of Jyväskylä, Finland
June 18–21, 2018
Welcome to IOHA Finland!
The Finnish Oral History Network (FOHN), University of Jyväskylä and the Finnish Literature Society (SKS) cordially propose to host the XX International Oral History Association Conference at the University of Jyväskylä, Finland, June 18–21, 2018.
The theme of the XX IOHA Conference is Memory and Narration. The conference focuses on the complex and multidimensional nature of oral history, and we welcome presentations from diverse perspectives. We invite papers that focus on methodological issues concerning the production and analysis of oral histories and life stories. We especially encourage contributions related to oral history sources as narratives/narration and applications of methodological theories and practices.
Therefore, the panels and presentations will address the following themes:
– Archived oral history
– Personal and shared narratives
– Transgenerational memory
– Class, gender, age and memory
– Traditions, folklore and history
– Oral history research in different disciplines
– New waves of oral history
– Oral history, theory and ethics
– Oral history and narration
– Life narratives and oral history
The XX IOHA Conference coincides with the anniversary of two important events in Finnish history, the centennial of the 1918 Finnish Civil War as well as the end of World War I. The congress organizers would therefore like to welcome also contributions that address memories of wars and other conflicts, narratives of survival, intergenerational war memories and communities of commemoration.
Since 2002 FOHN has organized international symposiums biannually and has had the pleasure of having many well-known oral historians as keynote speakers. Supported by Jyväskylä Convention Bureau (JCB), the Finnish team made a winning proposal to FOHN to host the IOHA2018 Conference in Jyväskylä Finland. The committed Local Organizing Committee members represent several Finnish Universities and are ready to set up a successful meeting.
Jyväskylä is a dynamic, youthful and lively city in the heart of the beautiful Finnish lake district. Jyväskylä is experienced in arranging international, high quality events. The city´s strengths lie on being compact but versatile; the key hotels and venues are all located within walking distance of each other in the city centre. Jyväskylä is also the City of world renowned architect Alvar Aalto.
University of Jyväskylä is one of the largest and most popular multidisciplinary universities in Finland. The university’s seven faculties are today hosting some 15 000 students from all over Finland and from nearly 100 countries around the world.