21-24 Nov. 2023 History Conference Christchurch

NZHA CFP Reminder

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Practice history in the real world

21-24 November 2023, University of Canterbury, Ōtautahi Christchurch

The Liberal Arts have been under attack for many years, but interest in history has begun to recover some of its allure. One of the key reasons for the revival of history has been the public’s perception of the benefits arising from practical uses of history. A focus on history in the real world will be fundamental to maintaining that public interest. The Organising Committee for the 2023 NZHA Conference have chosen the theme Practical history in the real world to enable us to explore, question, interrogate and understand the practical uses of history. While the focus of the conference will be on practical history, papers on the philosophy and theory of history are also encouraged. After a year’s delay, the compulsory Aotearoa New Zealand history curriculum for years 1-10 began in 2023 providing an impetus for the burgeoning popularity of history. History has been deployed and used to support iwi, hapū, whānau and communities; protest movements; personal development; school, polytechnic and university education; in the Waitangi Tribunal and the Treaty settlement process; other Commissions of Inquiry such as the Inquiry into abuse in state care; and in the Court system from the Māori Land Court to the Supreme Court. Papers are welcomed from teachers, students, researchers, archivists, curriculum developers, historical practitioners, and those with a general interest in history. In addition to papers which address these wider themes, all proposals addressing historical themes and topics will be welcome.

The 2023 NZHA Conference will be held ‘in person’ at the University of Canterbury in Ōtautahi Christchurch with most of the conference held at the Ilam campus and some keynotes and the conference dinner at the central city campus. Tuesday 21 November will primarily be a Postgraduate Day with a conference launch in the early evening, followed by three days of papers and four keynotes from Wednesday 22 November to Friday 24 November.

The Conference Organising Committee now calls for papers that address any aspect of the theme Practical history in the real world. Submissions may be in the form of:

  • Individual Papers – Provide a paper title, an abstract of no more than 250 words, a short biography of no more than 100 words and your contact details
  • Complete Panels – Please provide three paper abstracts of no more than 250 words each, along with a 100-word overview of the theme. Contact details and short biographies (no more than 100 words each) should be supplied for all speakers.
  • Round-Table Discussions – Please provide an abstract of no more than 250 words that outlines the theme of the discussion, alongside a short biography (no more than 100 words) and contact details for each of the participants.

The Organising Committee have established a rolling deadline from 27 February to 30 June 2023. Submissions can be made at any time during this period and applicants will then be notified of the outcome within one month. Please note that presenters at the conference must hold a current NZHA subscription (subscription details can be found at: https://newzealandhistoricalassociation.wordpress.com/join-the-nzha).

All paper submissions should be made to: martin.fisher@canterbury.ac.nz

We look forward to welcoming you to Ōtautahi Christchurch in November.

The Conference Organising Committee

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