31 August 2019 Call for Papers – Singapore

1. Call for Papers

At the core of oral history is a desire for a more complex and nuanced understanding of the world around us. While we value each oral account as unique, personal and subjective, bringing together many voices – whether in agreement or disagreement – allows greater meaning to be gleaned, refined and accumulated. Oral history teaches us to be considerate and empathetic to different voices and perspectives. What does this mean in the context of oral history taking root in more places and different cultures around the world? Where it is used in more and different contexts and disciplines? Aided and even led by changing technologies? Presented in different forms and bearing multiple uses? This conference invites papers which shed light on the growing diversity, multidimensionality and interdisciplinary applications of oral history.

As the IOHA conference enters Southeast Asia for the first time, the theme is also an invitation for reflection by the international oral history community to consider how we can help and support one another through friendships, networks and alliances.

We look forward to receiving abstracts on the following themes:

Oral history, culture and community
Oral history, ethics and the law
Oral history and the arts
Oral history and technology
Oral history and politics
Oral history and business
Oral history and sports
Oral history and conflict
Oral history and indigenous communities
Inter- and cross-disciplinary applications of oral history (journalism, therapy, etc.)
Comparative studies of oral history

The official language of the congress is English, but presentations in Spanish will also be welcomed.


You can propose either 1) a paper, 2) a poster, or 3) an audio-visual presentation. Please read the instructions below before making a proposal and submitting your abstract.

Please note that each individual may only submit one solo-authored paper, poster or audio-visual presentation proposal, but additional co-authored proposals can also be submitted. If more than one solo-authored paper is received by the same author, the last submitted proposal will be considered for acceptance.

We would appreciate it if Spanish submissions could come with an English translation.

To propose a paper or a poster:

Submit an abstract of no more than 300 words and a biography of no more than 50 words via email to ioha2020@nlb.gov.sg. Select the type of proposal (a paper or a poster) and select one of the themes on the provided list for the scheduling of your proposal. Please also indicate the language of your proposal presentation (English or Spanish) and provide 3-5 keywords related to your proposal presentation.

To propose an audio-visual presentation:

Submit an abstract of no more than 300 words and a biography of no more than 50 words via email to ioha2020@nlb.gov.sg. Select one of the themes on the provided list for the scheduling of your audio-visual presentation. Please provide 3-5 keywords related to your audio-visual presentation. It is important that you provide details of both the content and format of your work (explain clearly what type it is, and how it should be screened) and any further important information concerning technical requirements. If the audio-visual presentation is not in English, please make sure that it is subtitled.

Instructions on how to submit your audio-visual materials will be provided later.

The deadline for all proposals is 31 August 2019. A notification regarding your submission will be sent in November 2019.

2. Call for Workshop Proposals

IOHA 2020 will be hosting a series of workshops on 22 June 2020 and is inviting workshop proposals from the international community. This will be a rare opportunity to facilitate learning and the exchange of ideas and information among international participants.

Full-day or half-day workshops may address specific methodological issues or emerging trends.

We invite individuals or teams interested in conducting such a workshop to submit proposals. Please include the following in your submission to ioha2020@nlb.gov.sg:

Workshop title
Objective and description (max. 300 words)
Target audience and expected size
Names, contact information and brief biographies (max. 50 words each) of the workshop facilitators
Details on where this workshop was previously conducted (if applicable)
Technical requirements, including space, audio/visual, computer and communication needs


All paper presenters (including posters and audio-visual presentations) and workshop facilitators must also register for IOHA 2020. Registration and payment details will be available on the conference website www.ioha2020.sg in late 2019. Please check the website for further information.

If you have any questions concerning the call for papers and workshop proposals, please email: ioha2020@nlb.gov.sg

The conference website will be launched in July 2019. Please look out for it!

Warm regards,
Mark Wong
Senior Specialist (Oral History) | Oral History Centre | National Archives of Singapore, National Library Board
Vice President | International Oral History Association

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