8 May 2019 from 9.00 am – 12.00 pm
Stout Seminar Room
Professor Alexander Freund (University of Winnipeg) and Associate Professor Anna Green (Stout Research Centre, Victoria University of Wellington).
Professor Freund holds the chair in German-Canadian Studies and is Director of the Oral History Centre at the University of Winnipeg. He has published widely in oral history and migration history. Associate Professor Green’s publications in oral history encompass labour, community, and environmental history, and her research currently focuses upon family memory and historical consciousness. For more information please see: https://www.uwinnipeg.ca/history/faculty-staff/alexander-freund and https://www.victoria.ac.nz/stout-centre/about/staff/anna-green.
Participants in this workshop will be asked to introduce themselves and suggest a question or topic, relating to their research, that they would like the workshop to address. Areas we might also focus upon include: creating space in an interview situation, different formats for interviewing, the role of the tape recorder as a “third participant”, and approaches to conversational narrative. We could also consider issues such as questions as impositions, and the interview as a cultural script.
Venue: Stout Research Centre for NZ Studies, 12 Waiteata Road, Kelburn
Date: 8 May 2019
Time: 9.00am to 12.00 noon.
Number is limited to 12 participants. No cost involved.
RSVP to Deborah.levy@vuw.ac.nz