Hosted by Grahamstown Museums and Thames Heritage Network
C/- N.Z. History Federation, Secretary, 5 Elmira Avenue, Chartwell, HAMILTON 3210
Neil Curgenven 0272441348,
Conference Fees
Compulsory Registration $60.00 pp
The Registration Fee includes hosting koha, venues and administration expenses
Optional activities: Tick what you be attending for numbers & Koha purposes $value extras
6.00 – 9.00 Friday night Lectures at Thames School of Mines ………………
7.30 Friday alternative Irish Ceilidh – Irish Jigs at St James Church $20.00 .………
9.30 Saturday AGM at School Room Thames School of Mines ………………
11.00 Saturday Opening of the A and G Price Story at the Thames Museum ………………
Lunch options are a plenty as there is a market in the street from 9.00am
You are encouraged to stroll amongst it at your own speed
1.00 pm Saturday Presentation at The Treasury ………………….
2.00 pm Saturday An informative guided walk along historic Shortland Street
Commencing at the Thames Wharf ………………….
6.00 pm Saturday Miners Dinner at Bella Pumphouse hosted by Rotary $45.00 pp….
Dinner with mid course entertainment and social, cash bar
As this is themed you are encouraged to come in suitable period dress
9.00am Sunday Assemble at Gold Experience for an experience of your life $15.00 …… Total amount enclosed (including extras if ticked) $ ……………….
Please make cheque payable to N.Z. History Federation Inc., and post to
Secretary, 5 Elmira Avenue, Chartwell, HAMILTON 3210.
Alternatively, payment can be made via our bank account:
New Zealand History Federation
BNZ 02 0959 0041718 00
Please advise date and amount of payment made when returning this registration form by email.
Cancellations must be notified to Neil Curgenven, Secretary, N.Z. History Federation. No refunds will be given for cancellations received after 12 March, including “no shows” at the conference, unless there are exceptional circumstances (at the discretion of the organising committee). Substitute attendees will be accepted at any time.