On behalf of Oral History NSW, we invite you to join us in Sydney from 13 – 16 September 2017
The conference committee want to make this conference a rewarding experience for you so we asked ourselves:
‘Why do we attend oral history conferences?’
To learn about current work in our field in Australia and overseas to present our own work, explore how it makes a contribution, and exchange ideas with others
To learn about how oral history is being used in different ways across museums, galleries, libraries, archives, universities, historical consultancies and within families
To catch up with old friends and make new ones.
We aim to provide a conference that stimulates, energises and inspires you. So come along in 2017 and help us make it that way. There are many ways to get involved: you can submit proposals for a 20 minute paper, a 5 minute lightning talk or participation in a roundtable discussion. Memorable conferences hum with interested and willing participants, supported by good organisation.