These are not current events

Please join Anna Cottrell and the Kilbirnie Branch of the New Zealand Society of Genealogists this Thursday (3 October) for a presentation on ‘The Joy of Oral History: Everyone has stories’. The talk will start at 10 am in the Whataitai/Ngake Rooms on Level 1 at the ASB Sports Centre, 72 Kemp Street, Kilbirnie. For more information, see:

Taina was named as a Kiwibank Local Hero 2017 ..more..

Caren Wilton – Book Discussion: My Body, My Business

If anyone’s in Wairarapa over Queens Birthday Caren will speak in Carterton on Sunday 2 June 3pm to 4:30, about her book and interviews with sex workers.


Written and performed by Phil Ormsby and Alex Ellis Director: Jennifer Ward-Lealand Company: Flaxworks Theatre Company
1 – 11 May 2019 Circa Two
RNZ article Conversations with Dead Relatives

Phanza Conference:

To mark 25 years since the establishment of the Professional Historians’ Association of New Zealand/Aotearoa (PHANZA), the association invites papers for a conference exploring the current and future state of public history in New Zealand.
The conference at Massey University, Wellington, NZ 13-14 April 2019 registration will close 31 March 2019

Auckland History Initiative Symposium, 15 April 2019, The University of Auckland and Auckland Museum

The Auckland History Initiative (AHI) is pleased to announce its first symposium to be held at the Waipapa Marae, the University of Auckland, 15 April 2019, from 9am to 4pm with an evening lecture and function at the Auckland Museum.

Speakers at the symposium will include Professor Grace Karskens (University of New South Wales),Emeritus Professor Russell Stone, Professor Raewyn Dalziel, Professor Charlotte Macdonald, Dr Ben Schrader, and Dr Hazel Petrie.

The event will also feature the work of some University of Auckland Summer Scholars on aspects of Auckland history, an update on Auckland Museum’s proposed Tamaki Galleries, and a panel discussion on urban history from different disciplinary perspectives to take the AHI forward.

The Auckland Museum is hosting the first AHI Annual Lecture, to be presented by Professor David Williams and Margaret Kawharu.

Register for this free event through Eventbrite.

Lunchtime talk at the National Library, Wellington.

Ordinary, Extraordinary: Recording The Stories Of Sex Workers

Saturday 30 March, The Writing Life, 10am-2pm (with lunch)

Waitemata Room, Auckland Central Library
Join us for our first NOHANZ Auckland regional event of 2019!
You will hear from Deborah Shepard, a biographer, oral historian and teacher of memoir, whose new book
The Writing Life (2018) features oral history interviews with twelve of New Zealand’s most acclaimed and admired authors. more..

Canterbury Regional gathering

Date: 7pm, Tuesday 24 February 2015
Place: 366 Tancreds Rd, Lincoln (Limbo Thompson is kindly hosting us)
What to bring: A plate or drink
What: Rosemary will facilitate a discussion on ethical questions we might be facing in our projects (1/2 hour).
And then we can have more general discussion on our projects/ socialising.
There is also some exciting news about the 2016 NOHANZ conference!
RSVP: to Rosemary at