Oral History Recording Agreement Documents

Oral History Recording Agreement in English and in Te Reo

Explanatory Notes for Interviewers here

FAQ about completing the agreement form here

Note: If you wish to add an organisation name or logo to the Recording Agreement please email resourcesnohanz@oralhistory.org.nz for an editable version and put NOHANZ Recording Agreement in the subject line.

Oral History Guides

A bibliography of oral history scholarship in Aotearoa New Zealand

Points to consider before starting an oral history project

Preparation for recording oral history – Manatū Taonga Ministry for Culture and Heritage

Sample questions for a life history interview

Guidance on recording oral history interviews – Alexander Turnbull Library

Principles and best practices for oral history – Oral History Association

Abstracting oral history interviews – Alexander Turnbull Library

Notes on selecting a repository here and audio archiving

Toolkit for Oral Historians ..here..


Sources of research funding

Guide on funding resources for digitising and preserving cultural heritage in Aotearoa

Jack Ilott Oral History Education Operating Fund

Webinar on Ngā Kōrero Tuku Iho, New Zealand Oral History Grants – Manatū Taonga Ministry for Culture and Heritage

Guides for Commissioned Oral History Projects

Guide for contractors – Pip Oldham

Guide for commissioners – Oral History Association of Australia

Determining fees for oral history projects


Equipment recommendations and training – please contact the Oral History Advisor: atl0utreach@dia.govt.nz

Hints on using lapel mics – Matt Livingstone and Stephen Buckland of Sound Techniques in Auckland

Creating Digital Content

Digitising Heritage Oral History Collections is available on request from the National Preservation Office

Digital NZ – Tihi Aotearoa Make it Digital – is a place to get advice and share ideas. Offers advice on transferring analogue tape to digital.

Contact resourcesnohanz@oralhistory.org.nz

© NOHANZ 2001-2014